Children’s eye care must be a top priority
Do you take your children to the doctor/dentist for a routine check up
What about the optmetrist?
Many parents assume that their child will have vision screening at school, so do not need to visit an Optician. A study has revealed that only 53% of UK children have had an eye test, this compares to 75% of Italian children and 88% of Russian children.
Most parents think that their child will have an eye test at school, therefore don’t need to visit the Optician. Research shows that only 7% of under 5’s have ever been taken to an Optician and that only 38% of all children see one every 2 years, yet 92% go to the dentist.
A free eye test may give every child the ability to see clearly, learn effectively and fulfill their career aspirations. Poor eyesight can have a significant effect on a child’s behaviour, yet often goes unrecognised by teachers, parents and the children themselves.
I have Children come to me and exclaimed ” now i can see the birds on the trees or the questions on the board”
Often a reluctance to read is due to an undetected eye problem.
Opticians are eye health professionals and the services they provide are far wider than a simple test to determine whether glasses are required to correct vision.
An eye test is not just about getting a pair of glasses it is a vital health check for your eyes. It includes a number of other health tests many conditions can be detected, including: glaucoma, cataract, diabetes.
Principle Sight Defects Explained
If your child is short sighted – an inability to focus on distant objects. It means that they can see clearly close-up but may find that far away objects are blurred, your child will probably need glasses for many everyday activities such as, school white boards, and playing sport, watching TV, theatre or cinema.
If your child is long sighted – an inability to focus, particularly on near objects. This means that close-up objects may be out of focus. Your child may need glasses for reading, computer work, and watching TV.
If a child has poor vision this will affect their performance in school, which may affect their abilities in adult life therefore having regular eye tests will pick up any issues that may be occurring.
UV protection is also high on our priority list as this could help in the prevention of macular disease and cataract in later life.
if your child is colour defective this can impact on their chosen career path.
Due to the above reasons, we recommend that all children and adults wear UV protection sun glasses. Everyone’s vision changes over time and you may experience any of the above conditions. That is why it is important for Adults and Children alike to have regular Eye Examinations. Children should have their eyes examines annually up to the age of 16 and then every two years thereafter, unlees a shorter interval is recommended by their Eye professional.